Why Waste A Tantrum When No One Can See You


Anonymous said...

lol. Oh how that brings back memories of my kids!

Anonymous said...

kids are really stupid.hehe

LODS said...

that is just too funny and so true. Kids can be very dramatic,heheheh..

Stephanie Barr said...

Hilarious! I have a son like that, but, send him to his room and it's over.

KunthanRaj said...

Every Thing At Your Feet

hello nice work keep up the great work..keep gooing..rockkk.. ing....

chcek out mine and how do you feal..pls..

Every Thing At Your Feet

Ron Centeno said...

Hahahahaha! That's how it is. We could have done that once in our little lives. :-)

Anonymous said...

really nice!

Unknown said...

That is so funny how he follows the camera, you can tell he's going to be a TV or Film Star one day. :)

Evergreen Thoughts said...

Nice one . Really great post.

